Issue #67


1. Crypto VC Paradigm launches Policy Lab

-- Has 2 inaugural fellows studying regulatory equivalence

-- Accepting user submissions for policy research proposals (eligible for up to $5k in grant funding)

2. CEXs gain traction in Europe

-- Kraken granted E-Money Institution status in Ireland and VASP registration in Spain

-- Coinbase secures AML registration in Spain

-- Binance re-enters Belgium market via Poland-based entity

3. Coinbase International Exchange obtains regulatory approval from Bermuda to list perpetual futures

-- The offering is available to retail users outside US

4. Taiwan's financial watchdog issues guiding principles for crypto firms

-- Guidance on white paper publication, asset custody, and local registration for overseas firms

5. Hong Kong to publish a list of licensed virtual asset trading platforms

-- Action taken in response to the controversy surrounding Hong Kong-based JPEX, an unlicensed crypto exchange charged with fraud


1. Blocknative to suspend MEV-boost relay after economics fail to materialize

2. Celestia is airdropping 60M tokens as part of its Genesis Drop

3. Chainlink's cross-chain interoperability protocol launches on Base


1. Binance and banking giant MUFG are running a joint study to issue stablecoins in Japan

2. Thailand-based SCBX partners with Korea-based Hashed on blockchain R&D initiatives

-- Aim is to grow web3 adoption in Southeast Asia

3. Binance selling its Russian business to CommEX

4. Curve Founder Michael Egorov settles entire debt position on Aave

-- Eases fear of a massive liquidation event that could have triggered a contagion across DeFi

5. BIS and the central banks of Singapore, France, and Switzerland successful in testing out cross-border trading of wCBDCs

-- Used an AMM on a public blockchain to carry out the trading

5. Ripple cancels plan to acquire Fortress Trust

-- Fortress recently revealed a theft of $15M, which was pinned on a 3rd-party vendor

6. Valkyrie first in the US to offer exposure to both BTC and ETH futures under one ETF wrapper

7. Wire service MoneyGram releasing a non-custodial wallet in 2024

8. Chase Bank UK to block crypto-linked payments starting Oct 16

-- Citing increasing fraud and scams

9. Aptos Foundation and Thala launch $1M fund

-- Purpose: incentivize developers to create new DeFi protocols on Aptos


1. NFT brand Pudgy Penguins debuts toy collection in 2k Walmart locations

-- Each toy comes with a unique birth certificate that allows the user to claim unique traits for their digital character inside Pudgy World, an online virtual world

2. Buenos Aires adopts blockchain-based digital identity solution

-- Allows citizens to store and manage their government-issued documents on zkSync Era


1. L2 protocol Mixin Network hacked for ~$200M

-- Offering hacker $20M bug bounty reward for returning funds

2. Crypto exchange HTX (formerly Huobi) hacked for $8M

-- HTX fully reimbursing affected users

3. Upbit temporarily suspends Aptos token withdrawals after discovering counterfeit tokens

-- Counterfeit Aptos tokens were created by airdrop scam site ClaimAPTGift

-- Oversight in verifying type arguments caused all counterfeit APT transfers to be identified as native APT transfers

4. OpenSea discloses security incident that may have exposed user API keys

-- Existing keys to be sunset by Oct 2

5. Immunefi launches on-chain vaults in first milestone to decentralize bug bounty platform

-- Projects are allocated sovereign vaults to manage their respective bug bounty programs

-- SSV Network has already deposited $1M into its sovereign vault


1. Robot Ventures GP Tarun Chitra publishes research on MEV (source)

-- Conclusion: transaction sequencing rules need to be app-specific; neither fair ordering techniques nor economic mechanisms can individually mitigate MEV for arbitrary payoff functions

2. Pantera publishes study on compensation in the crypto industry

-- 97% of people are paid in fiat

-- Exec salaries range from $147-335k and have token incentives averaging $1.3M

3. Research by Bosch on AMMs (source)

-- Provides a taxonomy that showcases AMM design characteristics

-- Demonstrates how to design AMMs to solve the thin market problem

4. The cost of swapping on Uniswap (source)

-- Conclusion: gas costs dominate transaction costs for small swaps; price-impact and slippage dominate transaction costs for large swaps

-- Presents an alternative way to quantify and identify slippage due to adversarial reordering of transactions, called reordering slippage

5. Privacy-preserving computation for decentralized personal data stores (source)

-- Use of MPC to perform privacy-preserving computation on personal data

6. Assessing the solvency of VASPs (source)

-- Assesses insolvency of Austrian VASPs by cross-referencing data from 3 sources: cryptoasset wallets, balance sheets from the commercial register, and data from supervisory entities

7. Sui considering adoption of Cuttlefish (source)

-- Cuttlefish allows for the consensus-less execution of a broader set of transactions, including asset swaps and multi-sig transactions, that were previously thought to need consensus

8. Multi-dimensional data quick query for blockchain-based federated learning (source)

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