Issue #89


1. Do Kwon has detention in Montenegro extended until Feb 15 at the request of the US and South Korea

2. KuCoin agrees to pay $22M fine to New York and block users from the state

-- Allegedly violated securities laws

3. Nym, Protocol Labs, Oasis, and Aztec form 'Universal Privacy Alliance'

-- Has initial funding of $150k and a focus on influencing policy/regulatory decisions pertaining to digital privacy rights

-- Initial focus on the EU’s eIDAS and Digital Services Act

4. CFTC grants Bitnomial approval to register as a derivatives clearing organization in the US

5. Basel proposes criteria for stablecoins to qualify for preferential regulatory treatment

-- Criteria includes: low volatility, short-term maturity, and high credit quality


1. Celestia to integrate its data availability layer with Polygon CDK

-- CDK integration will allow developers to use Celestia's data availability solution when building L2 networks atop Ethereum

2. SSV launches its sdistributed validator technology (DVT) to mainnet

-- For reference: DVT is an approach to validator security that spreads out key management and signing responsibilities across multiple parties

3. StarkWare announces "devonomics pilot program"

-- Distributing 10% of L2 network fees to developers building on Starknet

-- Distribution of rewards will be automated and paid out in both ETH and STRK tokens

4. Polygon Labs ceasing contributions to its Edge framework

-- Redirecting its focus towards developing the Chain Development Kit (CDK)

5. =nil; Foundation introduces a Type-1 zkEVM (source)


1. Coinbase adds spot trading for non-US institutions

2. Copper launches custodian-agnostic settlement network for institutional clients

-- Designed to unify post-trade communications and workflows into a single settlement solution

3. Early Ethereum investors, Konstantin Lomashuk and Vasiliy Shapovalov, re-launching cyber(.Fund)

-- Deploying $100M of personal capital to invest in blockchain, AI, and robotics

4. Decentralized exchange Uniswap expands to Bitcoin sidechain Rootstock

5. Coinbase launches Project Diamond

-- A Base-based, institutional-grade digital asset issuance platform

6. S&P Global Ratings introduces a system to evaluate stablecoins

-- Rating stablecoins on a 1 (good) to 5 (bad) scale based on their ability to maintain a stable value relative to a fiat currency

-- USDC received highest rating of 2; USDT received a rating of 4

-- GUSD and USDP also ranked high (good)

7. Crypto custody firm Taurus partners with lending platform Teylor to tokenize debt products

-- Targeting German SME market


1. FIFA is releasing NFTs that offer the chance to secure tickets to the 2026 World Cup Final

2. Pudgy Penguins announces "Pudgy World" web3 game

3. Worldcoin unveils integrations with Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, and Shopify

4. China's Ministry of Public Security has launched RealDID

-- Allegedly a DID solution built on China's Blockchain Service Network (BSN)

5. Sotheby's first-ever sale of Bitcoin inscriptions draws 6 figure liquidity


1. Ledger's Connect Kit library exploited by hackers

-- Allowed malicious code to be distributed to users browsers and rerouted funds to a hacker wallet; resulted in $504k stolen

-- Ledger has updated its code, but users must still manually update their version of the library to completely mitigate the risk

-- Former staffer linked to malicious code

2. Yearn Finance says faulty script wiped out $1.4M from treasury

-- 63% of its treasury position in lp-yCRVv2 tokens was swapped for yvDAI tokens

3. An arbitrage bot drains LFNTY/USDC pool on Lifinity via an unexpected response to a failed trade

4. The US National Vulnerability Database flagged Bitcoin's inscriptions as a cybersecurity risk

-- Could result in large amounts of non-transactional data spamming the Bitcoin blockchain and adversely affecting performance and fees


1. Deep dive into the architecture of cross-chain messaging protocol LayerZero (source)

2. An analysis of the crypto community on Reddit (source)

-- Uncover a cross-correlation between online activity and token prices

3. A deep dive into crypto ransomware (source)

-- Dissects 30 samples of ransomware variants

-- Advanced encryption algorithms, such as RSA and AES, prevent decryption by victim

-- Ransomware has shifted its attention to the enterprise

4. Smart contract access control restrictions introduce centralization risks (source)

5. Taxonomy for NFT security vulnerabilities (source)

6. Recursive augmented fernet tokens (source)

-- A token-based authentication protocol that solves the "bearer token" problem

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