Issue #99


1. Bitcoin tops silver in US ETF market and trails only gold among commodities

-- BlackRock became the 1st Bitcoin ETF provider to hit $1B in AUM; Fidelity was 2nd

2. Venezuela shutting down its Petro cryptocurrency

-- Originally launched in 2018 to support the bolívar amidst an economic crisis

-- Petro, backed by oil reserves, encountered complications including corruption scandals, illegal borrowing against the reserves, and US sanctions on a Russian bank financing the Petro

3. OKX wins VASP license in Dubai

4. European Banking Authority issues guidelines for crypto asset service providers to comply with AML and terrorist-financing rules

-- Requires crypto firms to conduct customer due diligence on transactions of €1,000+

-- Guidelines will apply from Dec 30th

5. Gemini obtains VASP approval in France


1. Google Cloud joins oracle blockchain Flare as a validator and service provider

-- Contributing to the Flare Time Series Oracle

2. Fantom slashes staking requirement for running a self-staking node on their network by 90%

-- Should encourage more validators to participate

3. Bitcoin miner Core Scientific to emerge from bankruptcy

-- Has received approval for its Chapter 11 reorganization plans and expects to relist its shares on Nasdaq by the end of the month

-- Will pay its existing debt in full and existing shareholders will receive about 60% of the new company's equity

-- Plans to operate 182,000 mining rigs this year and nearly 1.1 million by 2027

4. Chainlink integrates Circle's protocol for cross-chain USDC transfers

5. Manta Network's L2, Manta Pacific, ovetakes Coinbase's Base as the 4th largest scaling solution by TVL

-- TVL of $845M

6. L2 zkVM Taiko launches final testnet ahead of planned mainnet release in Q1

7. Klatyn and Finschia, backed by Kakao and LINE respectively, propose merger to create a new blockchain supporting both EVM and CosmWasm

8. Ethereum deploys Dencun upgrade on Goerli testnet

-- Key upgrades: introduction of proto-danksharding, reduced storage demands, and lower transaction costs

9. Optimistic rollups-as-a-service provider AltLayer to launch a token

-- Token will be listed on Binance on Jan 25th

10. L1 blockchain Conflux Network is working on a L2

-- The L2 will enable the transfer of bitcoin and inscription-based tokens between the Conflux and Bitcoin networks

11. Delphi Labs and Astroport Foundation roll out an inscriptions platform for Cosmos named Asteroid


1. Binance Thailand launches crypto exchange

2. Stablecoin TrueUSD (TUSD) loses peg due to a significant sell-off

-- Sell-off could be influenced by recent hacking incident involving Poloniex and Binance's decision not to include TUSD on its staking launchpad

-- Currently experiencing difficulties with redemption requests

3. Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick vouches for Tether's reserves

-- Cantor Fitzgerald has been Tether's custodian since late 2021 and has examined portions of Tether's balance sheet

4. dYdX becomes largest DEX by trading volume after migrating to Cosmos

-- v4 version of dYdX recorded $757M in daily trading volume, surpassing Uniswap v3's $608M

5. OP Crypto rebrands as Inception Capital

6. Former employees of crypto trading firm LedgerPrime have launched Split Capital, a hedge fund that will focus on liquid tokens

-- Primary backers of the fund include Novi Loren, UTXO Management, and Dan Matuszewski

7. Oracle service Uma teases MEV protection product for lending protocols called Oval


1. Solana plans to release a new smartphone

-- Will have similar features to predecessor Saga but at a cheaper price point and different hardware

-- Available for pre-order with a non-refundable deposit of $450 and is expected to ship in 1H25

2. MetaMask experimenting with smart transaction routing technology that leverages the concept of "intent"

-- Allows users to specify the outcome they want rather than the specific steps to achieve it

-- The new technology is being developed by the Special Mechanisms Group, a blockchain infrastructure firm owned by Consensys

3. GameStop shuts down its NFT marketplace, citing regulatory uncertainty


1. Cross-chain bridge Socket hacked for $3.3M

-- The exploit targeted Socket's wallets with infinite approvals

-- Plans for compensation are being made and exploit has been disabled

2. Mantle Network experiences DDoS attack during its token issuance event


1. Comparative analysis of cryptographic mechanisms used in the selective disclosure of verifiable credentials (source)

-- Non-interactive zk proofs vs hiding commitments

2. Playing the MEV game on a first-come-first-serve blockchain (source)

-- Conclusion: MEV opportunity detection should occur at the transaction level in the mempool rather than at the block state level

3. Identifying adversarial contracts (source)

-- Observed common patterns among adversarial contracts including anonymous fund source, closed-source, and frequent token-related function calls

4. A solution to oracle manipulation attacks (source)

5. A risk-return analsyis of leveraged staking (source)

-- Conclusion: 90% of leveraged staking positions have achieved higher returns than conventional staking at the amplified risk of cascading liquidations

6. A Byzantine-resilient and privacy-preserving framework for P2P federated learning (source)

7. A SSI-to-OIDC bridge aiming to accelerate adoption for decentralized identity (source)

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